Healthwave, Inc. is a 20 year old nutritional company owned and run by Alex Fleming, a scientist and inventor. He is a consultant to nutritional companies for the formulation and creation of nutritional products.


Fred P., M.D. – New York City

Healthwave HGH, a homeopathic preparation, is quite likely the best HGH preparation on the market. It has raised energy level and increased many of my patients’ sinse of well being. I don’t worry about potential side effects of injectable HGH because this is homeopathic; besides it it the only one I use myself.

Fred P., MD, MPH, CCN; author of The Allergy and Asthma Cure, This For Good and Feed Your Kids Well. He is a medical director of the Centers for Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

Doris W. – President Emeritus of an International Organization, Irvine CA

“Recently, I was in the hospital for the first time in my life (except for childbirth). Besides everything else that was wrong, I had absolutely no energy. My daughter suggested (strongly) that I start taking HealthWave hGH Spray. Within 5 days I was not only back to my former energy level but also far beyond! Needless to say I listen to her now.”

Tom H. – Stamford, CT

I have been using HGH spray daily for nearly two years. About 6 months after I started, a friend remarked that I came down the stairs like a teenager. Since my teen years ended some 50 years ago, I was quite flattered. HGH has increased my energy level and caused friends to remark that I looked better. It seems strange to me that my friend, especially those that I had not seen for a few months noticed the effects more that my wife or I did. I guess it does its work slowly so I did not notice it right away.

I gave a bottle of HGH to a friend who, after not seeing me for about 6 months, noticed that I was more energetic and vigorous. After using HGH for two weeks he noticed that he could walk much farther and faster in his daily exercise than before using HGH, and has become a regular user.
HGH has worked very well for me, and I would recommend it to anyone, and hope they get the same great results.

Robert M. – Irvine, CA

“My MS fatigue was so bad I had quit living. Then, a business partner introduced me to the HealthWave hGH homeopathic energy spray. It changed my life and I started living again!